
Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

The following policies, adapted from ICCV 2023 and CVPR 2024, govern the submission and review process; failure to comply may result in desk rejection of the submission.

  • Submission Deadline: Every submission requires a title and abstract registration and a corresponding full paper submission. The submissions must be registered in CMT with a full title and complete abstract by July 3, 2024, 1:00 PM PST. Registrations with “placeholder” or other dummy titles or abstracts at the registration deadline will be deleted and not be allowed to submit full papers. The full paper submission deadline is July 5, 2024, 1:00 PM PST. All papers must be uploaded to CMT by the deadline and extra considerations will not be given.
  • Submission Site:
  • Formatting and Page Limits: Papers are limited to 14 pages single-column, inclusive of figures and tables but not cited references. Papers not following the provided template, those exceeding 14 pages (not including references), or those containing or leaking author and or affiliation information will be desk-rejected without review. See the Author Kit for detailed instructions.
  • Author Kit: The author(s) can clone the paper template from this overleaf project or download this zip file.
  • Supplementary Materials: Supplementary materials may include videos, proofs, additional figures and or tables, more detailed analysis of experimental results, concurrent anonymized submissions to ACCV or other conferences, etc. It may not include results on additional datasets, results from an improved version of the proposed method or an updated or corrected version of the main submission.  Papers violating these guidelines may be desk-rejected without review.
  • Authorship changes: The addition or removal of authors will not be permitted beyond the submission deadline.  Changes in the ordering of authors are permitted until the camera-ready deadline by submitting a request to the program chairs.
  • Conflicts of Interest: All authors must complete their CMT profile including profile IDs from Toronto Paper Matching System and or Google Scholar by the submission registration deadline. Submissions with incomplete and or inaccurate conflict information will be desk rejected.
  • Paper Matching: By submitting a paper, the authors agree that the paper is processed by Toronto Paper Matching System to match each manuscript to the best possible reviewers.
  • Plagiarism: The reuse of prior results and/or parts of the prior work without explicit acknowledgement of the original author and source may be considered plagiarism. ACCV does not condone any form of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism of one’s own work. Submissions found to be plagiarized will be desk-rejected.
  • LLM Usage: Papers featuring text generated from a large-scale language model (LLM) such as ChatGPT are prohibited unless the produced text is presented as a part of the paper’s methodology or experimental analysis. This policy does not prohibit authors from using LLMs for editing or polishing author-written text. Regardless, authors assume full responsibility for all paper content, including veracity and plagiarism checks./li>
  • Anonymization & Double Blind Review: ACCV’s review process is double blind.  The authors do not know the identity of the reviewers or area chairs, while the area chairs and reviewers should not infer the author identities.  The authors must anonymize all submission materials including text, source code, videos, website links, etc.  No names, institutions, grant IDs, etc. should be included nor inferrable from the submission or supplementary materials.  Violations may lead to desk rejection.  To cite their own concurrent work, authors should do so by citing anonymized versions of the work and including these works in the supplementary materials.
  • Confidentiality: The entire program committee (PCs, ACs, reviewers) are instructed to keep their assignments confidential; sharing or distribution of submitted materials is limited only for the purposes of facilitating reviewing.
  • Dual Submissions: All works submitted to ACCV must not have been published, accepted for publication, or under review in any peer-reviewed venues including journals, conferences, workshops or other archival forums.  Submissions at ACCV with significant overlap in content with submissions or accepted publications will be considered a dual submission and will be desk-rejected.  Dual submissions undergoing review will also be reported to the dual venue.
  • Definition of submission and publication: A submission or publication is a written work greater than four pages excluding references, either submitted for peer review for the purposes of acceptance or rejection (submission), or was accepted after undergoing such a process (publication).  This definition does not depend on whether such works appear in formal proceedings; it also does not depend on whether organizers declare that such works “count as publications”.
  • arXiv preprints: Submissions posted on ArXiv, based on the above definition, are not publications and do not violate submission policies unless they are con-currently undergoing peer-review at venues other than ACCV.
  • Ethics: Submissions are expected to adhere to the Ethics Guidelines, especially if it makes use of personal data and or data from human subjects.  The collection and use of such data is governed in many countries by an institutional Review Board (IRB) or equivalent. If the use of such data was already approved by an IRB, it is sufficient to state this in the submission.  Otherwise, authors are requested to provide information on the pending IRB approval process and how the data and consent was obtained, either in the main paper or supplementary material.  Authors using existing published datasets are encouraged but not required to check on the ethics of the data collection and consent process.
  • Code Release and Reproducibility: Authors are encouraged (but not required) to submit their source code as part of their supplementary materials.  For reproducibility purposes, authors are also strongly encouraged to release the code publicly after paper acceptance.
  • Data Release: Submissions may use non-publicly available data.  However, if any dataset(s) are claimed as contributions, authors must be ready to release the data publicly at the time of camera-ready submission and provide a live link with the camera-ready manuscript.
  • Limitations and Societal Impact: Authors are highly encouraged (But not required) to discuss limitations of their work as well as potential negative societal impacts in a dedicated section. Reviewers have been instructed to view such discussion in a positive light; the lack of discussion on either point should not be sole grounds for rejection.
  • Rebuttals: Upon receiving the reviews, the authors have one week to submit an optional rebuttal to address reviewer comments.  Please use the rebuttal template here (overleaf, zip) and limit the response to a 1-page PDF.  Responses longer than 1 page, or those which significantly later the provided template will be ignored.  Like the main submission, the rebuttal should be anonymized; it also cannot link to any external materials such as additional source code, images, video, etc.  Rebuttals should not include any new contributions or experimental results beyond those which are specifically requested by the reviewer.  Reviewers are instructed to limit requests for significant additional experimental results.  Additional confidential comments to the area chair should be used sparingly under exceptional circumstances.
  • Registration and Attendance: Each accepted paper must be accompanied by a full, in-person  registration.  At least one author should be present at the conference to present the paper in person.